Monday, October 05, 2009


A piece that ran in the New York Times OP/ED yesterday.

Mixed feelings on National Day in China, which was celebrated Oct. 1st.
you can read the article here

Here is a video of the fun filled parade.

Special thanks to B- Shen for finding/posting videos of the parade.


Jason Raish said...

oh man, great video, this anniversary and parade is the reason me and lot of other foreigner's visas expired on oct 1st. This parade is the physical manifestation of why i had to leave China. It looks pretty ridiculous. Likin' your work as always

Jon Han said...

Thanks Jason.

alex schaefer said...

great illustration! And thanks for the video... it was captivating to say the least and kinda really sort of freaks me out!! lol Such concentrated and orchestrated power always feels dictatorial and/or fascist

josh said...

wait but this doesn't really look that fun though...