Sunday, April 13, 2008

New piece for the New York Times Book Review which was published today... Working with Nicholas Blechman, which is always really great. Gouache, chalks, and digital, for this one.

The book is basically about a guy who looks to saving ex girl friends daughter (which is actually really his daughter) as a mean for redemption for the sins of his past.

There are some pretty cool projects on the horizon, so looking forward to those.

Also on another note i was happy to be informed, that i'll have 2 pieces in the American Illustration 27 annual, which will be out next year.


Craig Mackay said...

Congrats on your many successes, man! I love your recent posts. Keep it up!

shawnee said...

Very nice!

Maldito Columpio said...

very impressive!!! I almost published in the New Yorker ones... that was the peak of my carreer.. when I almost published in the New Yorker...

But very nice work!

Blogger said...

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